Mother's Day is around the corner, and this year, you'll need to be extra creative to celebrate with mom, grandma, or the caregiver in your life.

The distance can weigh on the heart, so you're probably wondering how to celebrate the day from afar. There won’t be fancy dinners out, trips to the theater, or other such special activities that we normally associate with celebrating mom during her special day.

Instead, they’ll be sheltering in place, quarantine and social distancing.

Fun, right? Well, actually, it can be.

We’ve come up with a bunch of fun ways for you to enjoy this year’s Mother’s Day without ever leaving the house.

Does the mother in your life like music? Movies? Baked goods? All of those are still options, even during the coronavirus pandemic. You just need to get creative and plan ahead.

So, check out our suggestions and get ready for a very different, but still very special Mother’s Day 2020.

Mother's Day brunch turned tele-lunch

If Mother's Day brunch is what you're missing most, turn it into a tele-lunch. Get your mom her favorite dish delivered so she can still enjoy a cook-free day, then share the meal together over Zoom or Skype. Yes, you can send champagne and orange juice for customary Mother's Day mimosas.

Send gifts and watch her open them

Unboxing channels are popular on YouTube, so give it a festive spin this Mother's Day. Send your mom a collection of small gifts wrapped individually for her to open during a video chat. Warm her heart with charming mementos or see how hard you can make her laugh with gag gifts.

Celebrate first responder moms

Moms who are first responders might be quarantined away from home during this time, and they deserve something extra-special this year. Send the gift of a comfy robe and a meal from her favorite place. She'll be able to enjoy the taste of home when she goes back to her hotel room or temporary quarters after her shift.

Create a sibling trivia game

If you have siblings spread out all over the country (or world), have them join on Zoom for sibling trivia. Stick to old classics like Trivial Pursuit or try TV-show themed games like The Office Trivia Game. Your mom can host the game, which is bound to bring out everyone's competitive side. After all, she's the perfect referee to enforce the rules, since mom always knows best.

Bob Ross wine and paint date

Hop on Zoom with mom and open up Bob Ross's official YouTube channel to experience The Joy of Painting together. You'll need to order paint supplies in advance for this one, but it's well worth the end result of happy trees -- and don't forget the wine.

Have her favorite celebrity send a shout-out

Check out Cameo, the online platform where you pay celebrities to send personalized videos. While mom would love to see your face on Mother's Day, she'll be tickled pink if her favorite reality show star, comic, or musician sends her a special shout-out. You get to keep the videos, too, so it's a gift that keeps on giving.

Virtual tea party with younger kids

A virtual tea party can be a fun way for mothers and grandmothers to celebrate the day with younger kids and grandkids. Live up the pageantry by gifting a special mug or teacup set and a tea sampler. All generations can join in, and young kids can make their mom's or grandmom's day by showing off their Sunday best -- and their table manners.

Family Feud-style game

If you normally spend Mother's Day with extended family, host a Family Feud-style game on Zoom. Use the board game if you have it, or just pull your own questions from the show. You can find them either on past episodes on YouTube or look up a question database (yes, people really log those).

Have a watch party

There's likely at least one show you and your mom gush over, whether it's "Love is Blind" or "How to Get Away with Murder." Host a watch party and live chat during the show to enjoy funny and poignant moments together. If you'd like to share laughs, watch one of the latest stand-up comedy specials on Amazon Prime or Netflix.

Mystery Science Theatre COVID-19

This is similar to the watch party above, only you view only B-movies from yesteryear -- strictly dreadful ones at that. Instead of relying on Joel Robinson or Crow T. Robot for commentary, become an informal film critic of low-budget science fiction. Trust us, you and your mom won't stop laughing.

Care package drop-offs

For families that live near their grandmothers, care package drop-offs are a sure bet. Among other gifts, kids can make cards and decorate homemade cookies. While they can't go inside to deliver gifts in person, kids can create chalk art on the porch or driveway to send their love to grandma, too.

Storytime with mom

Dig out those old pictures from childhood -- yes, embarrassing ones, too -- and show them to your mom or grandma over a video chat. You'll have a chance to bond over old family stories. Perhaps you'll finally learn why you're making such a weird face in that one-holiday picture after all.

Grandkids variety show

Become the executive producer of your kids' variety show for grandma. Break out the costumes, stuffed animals, funky music, and silly routines. Kids don't have to be drama club stars to put on an entertaining show. In fact, if you're surprised at their talent, your Mother's Day gift is finding out you'll be a stage mom soon.

Wine or beer tasting

Bring a winery or microbrewery to your home and host a virtual tasting. Send mom a sampler pack of single-serve wines or beers so you can both imbibe and share thoughts on flavor, body, and aroma. After all, mothers and kids could use the light-hearted fun of adult beverages right now.