EZ Pizzi Cleaning is giving away two hours of cleaning service for moms.

Finding someone who is sincere and dedicated to their cause is a treasure. That is why we are happy to know Samantha Jackson, the owner of EZ Pizzi Cleaning.

Today marks a special occasion as Samantha continues her tradition of kindness and generosity by donating two hours of cleaning services to deserving mothers for the third consecutive year. In addition to that, we are also giving away a $100 gift certificate to Gardeners Landscape Nursery because it’s always a good idea to enjoy some fresh flowers and enjoy the peace that nature brings. The giveaway is for anyone, a mom, an aunt, a friend, a daughter, or any woman that you feel is like a mom to you, that special person. All this is in time for Mother’s Day!

Samantha is known as the go-to person for cleaning services in Chester County. Samantha is committed to her business through and through, with determination, resilience, and discipline. This Mother’s Day, we want to remind you how important moms are all over the world.

“This Mother’s Day, we are reminded how important moms are all over the world.”

Samantha has been awarded the Chester County Business and Industries 2020 for Women Influencing Business Award of a Rising Star. When asked how she was able to do it all, Samantha humbly responded, “You don’t think about it. You just do it. Surround yourself with supportive people and tackle each day with love and determination.”

Her inspiring words serve as a reminder to continue to do good and keep pushing forward, even in the face of adversity.

To enter and win this Mother’s Day giveaway, click on this link and tell us why your mom is amazing and deserves to be pampered. Get your entries in by Friday, May 10, and maybe you can also nudge your husband to write about you. We look forward to reading your entries. We will be announcing the winner of the giveaway in the afternoon of May 10.