Three helpful tips for sellers who are preparing their homes for sale.

Selling your home is a major decision and involves many moving parts that can be both in and out of your control. The three main drivers that you can control are the location, condition, and price of your home. Additionally, market conditions are always changing, so it is essential to have a deeper discussion about your home and your goals.

As a seller, you want to prepare and control whatever factors you can. Here are three tips that can help you maximize your home's online appeal, and lead to a seamless closing and more money in the bank:

1. Start early and work with a great real estate agent. Selling your home is a major undertaking that can take several months from start to finish. Consider meeting with your real estate agent a year in advance or at least two or three months before you plan to list. Getting a presale home inspection can be useful to identify problem areas, especially if you suspect structural or mechanical issues that need addressing. Additionally, a month before listing your home, start working on staging, deep cleaning, and preparation for taking photos. Keep clutter to a minimum and consider moving excess items to storage. If you need help with this preparation, we offer free service, so don't hesitate to ask.

“Prepare and control whatever factors you can.”

2. Make upgrades that give a high return on investment. If you're going to spend money on upgrades, ensure that the changes you make will give a high return on investment. Upgrades to the kitchen and bathrooms generally provide a high return. Your real estate agent can help you plan upgrades according to what people expect in your area.

3. Get the paperwork completed to reduce stress. Completing the paperwork is crucial to get your home on the market. It includes seller property disclosures, mortgage information, utility warranty information, appraisals, home inspection reports, service information, and any other required documentation.

Following these tips will put you in a perfect position to get your home on the market. If you have any questions, reach out to us by phone or email. We look forward to hearing from you!